A Day in the Life of Trevor the Samurai and Christina the Geisha

On the Streets of Tokyo!

 Trevor AKA Da Vinci

Trevor in Electronic City (Akihabara, Tokyo)


Beautiful Yokohama Harbour

KARAOKE in Tokyo!

Kobe, Japan
Mt. Fuji!!!
Mt Fuji in the background

more karaoke (trev got really into it)

Trev in Osaka Harbor

Playing in the rain in Kyoto!

The Golden Pavillion in Kyoto (it was raining so hard!)

We made lots of japanese friends :)

at an open air farmers market in Kyoto!

walking the streets of japan

Melinda and I in Kyoto at one of the shrines

kissing an eagle ray at Osaka Aquarium :)


Whale shark!!! (Happy Valentines Day!)
In "The Cube" in Kyoto

whale sharks and so much  more!! such a cool aquarium!

Everyone at the Golden Pavillion in the freezing rain!!

Beautiful Shrine in Nara

We're so cultural

We had a grill in the middle of our table!! yummy japanese grill! i got kobe beef and trev got pork grilled with all sorts of yumminess (all for about $12 each!)

On the Bullet Train from Tokyo to Kyoto!

everyone in the cube in kyoto!

at a beautiful shrine in Nara!

Feeding the cute deer in Nara!!!!

2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    Hi Trevor and Christina

    Great comments on your JAPAN adventures. Proud of both of you to get the rail pass, they are so practical, makes it easy to get around.

    As a young man in the US Navy, 1954, I visited most of these places you did, Hakone, and then later all the others. You have had a wonderful exposure to a different culture.

    all the best

    Frank and Yvonne in Bad Wildbad

  2. Unknown Says:

    Awesome what you two saw in so little time. I'm so pleased you liked Nara and wish you'd had warmer weather at the Golden Pavilion and I think your picture of one temple was the one with squeaky floors to warn them of intruders. Am I right? We should try that in todays world. Did you see my golf course at Hakone? Great view of it from the gondola if you were on the same one. Keep the news coming so I can relive my travels. Happy Valentines Day. Love, Nana/Sheila