Shanghai, Beijing, & Hong Kong!!!

 At our Tea Tasting Ceremony… the tea was soooo delicious

The gang at a local famous Chinese joint (the paddles on the wall used to be the menu—you used to grab one of the huge paddles, bring it to the chef, and that’s how you ordered

Trevor and I outside the Bird’s Nest in Beijing (amazing Olympics stadium)

Trev outside where the ducks were being roasted at our restaurant

At the gorgeous YuYuan Gardens in Shanghai

Trev in the Forbidden City

With Trevor’s Parents at a Buddhist temple in Shanghai

The gang at The Forbidden City in Beijing

At the crazy YuYuan Garden/Bazaar in Shanghai

Me and one of the many adorable Chinese children at the Great Wall (these warm panda hats were everywhere, I wanted a panda hat so bad.. Trevor wouldn’t let me)

Yes.. we are sitting on the great wall… yes.. it is about a 300 foot steep cliff down from there…

The Great Wall… Spectacular.. it winds throughout all the mountains.. you can see in the distance on many of the pictures how vast it truly is. (Mongolia is on the right, China on the left)

The Great Wall again :)
Our gorgeous hotel (those lights streaming down moved up and down and night.. very cool looking)

Father teaching son all about his architecture.. awwww :)

Enjoying breakfast our first class lounge (we got bumped up.. no big) in the Beijing Airport

In a very cool fountain at the Hong Kong Gardens

Hong Kong is clearly much more tropical (and WARM!) than China..
Streets of Hong Kong


Trev & I getting ready to watch the nightly light show in Kowloon across the harbor from Hong Kong
2 Responses
  1. Lorraine Says:

    We are traveling with you and enjoying the cultural experience - is that the "peking duck" ? thanks for the photo of the little guys - - any english spoken?

    Love Grandma Vidal

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Great photos! Cant wait to hear more about your recent ports and also safe travels to Vietnam!